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YTH Camp & Kids Camp

We strive for camp to be a safe, Christ-centered, week-long environment of fun, friendship, and most of all, spiritual growth. In order to do this, our leadership team believes in these 5 pillars in having a successful camp...

One week - two camps

Register Now!

Easily download the required medical forms      and upload them once notarized to complete camp registration 


What is camp like? What will the campers do?

Camp will be a part of various activities, games, devotionals, fellowship, and evening church services. All Campers will help with kitchen duties (KP). They will make new friends and meet up with old friends. Camp is a time to get away from the worldly pressures, influences, and daily demands many of our kids face today. It is a time for them to be themselves, discover God, and the calling He has for their lives.

Camp Rules & Regulations

The 'Camp Rules and Regulations' for IMPACT YTH have been established for the protective benefit of every person in attendance. In order to have a safe, fun, life-changing camp, and promote a wholesome camp atmosphere, all persons are expected to observe habits of personal courtesy and Christ-like conduct while adhering to the following:


  • Campers and interns will obey any instructions given to them by any camp directors, leaders, and dorm parents.

  • Respect is to be given to camp staff as well as to each other at all times.

  • All campers, interns, and workers must register and check-in upon arrival and check-out upon dismissal.

  • No one, including camp workers, are permitted to being inside cars, drive, or leave the campground without permission from the camp director. Cars driven to camp will be parked on the campground upon check-in and will not be driven again until check-out.

  • Possession/use of any forms of explosives, weapons, pornography, drugs, alcohol or tobacco is absolutely prohibited at all times during camp.

  • Willful destruction of personal or camp property will not be tolerated. Parents will be held responsible for any damage.

  • Close physical contact, such as public and private displays of affection, is not allowed (including same sex).

  • No fighting, scuffing, profanity/vulgar language or signs will be tolerated.

  • One person per bed at all times. Under no circumstances should a camper, worker, intern, or dorm parent share a bed with another person.

  • No boys in girl's dorms or girls in boy's dorms.

  • Pranking of any kind will not be tolerated.

  • Campers are not allowed to have food (including gum) or drinks (excluding water) in the Upper Room or break-out rooms.

  • The daily schedule is to be followed. Camper and intern attendance is required at all designated services, classes, and activities.

  • Swimming is only allowed in the pool during scheduled times and under lifeguard supervision. 'Skinny dipping' or sneaking into the pool is absolutely prohibited.

  • All workers, staff, and interns are authorized to maintain order anywhere on the campground.

  • Campers are not allowed in the dorms alone. Campers must be accompanied by a dorm parent.

  • Campers are not allowed to enter another dorm unless given permission by said dorm parent(s).

  • Once security announces, "Lights out!" all dorm parents and their assigned campers must return to their dorm quietly and settle in for the evening. No campers are allowed outside after lights out.

  • Any camper who becomes ill/injured or is made aware of another camper ill/injured is to report to their dorm parent or another worker immediately.

  • Campers and interns are not allowed electronics of ANY kind, (unless for medical reasons) - including cell phones, tablets, etc. If any electronic is found in your possession, it will be confiscated and returned to you at check-out.

  • Dorm parents and workers are allowed cell phones in case of emergencies or if calls need to be made home. Otherwise, phones are not to be shared with Interns or campers. Dorm parents are also allowed one radio, if desired, to play christian music only.

  • We do not recommend bringing any expensive items or jewelry that could get lost, damaged, or stolen. Any 'Lost & Found' items will be held for one week at the PCG CD Office.

  • All Campers, interns, and workers must be dressed modestly and in compliance with the following camp dress code before exiting the dorms:

    • Shorts and tank tops may be worn during all daily activities and classes, but the length of shorts must be at least to your longest fingertip on the side, and tank top straps must be at least 3 finger-widths wide.

    • Wear your 'Sunday Best' for the evening services, no shorts for boys or girls. Skirts and dresses must be knee-length. Any shorter and you may be asked to wear shorts (with length noted above) underneath.

    • Modest swimwear: girls - one-pieces recommended. If your swimsuit is deemed too revealing, you may be asked to wear a dark-colored shirt over the swimsuit. Boys - swim trunks at least longest fingertip length.

    • No sagging or inappropriate sayings, slogans, or logos on any clothing or accessories.

    • No crop-tops or anything exposing your stomach.

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